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flasher.gif (1971 bytes)   Sociology  '99-'00  flasher.gif (1971 bytes)
flasher.gif (1971 bytes)    "Final Project"   flasher.gif (1971 bytes)

   To investigate patterns of social values and norms among different groups of people.

- We worked in groups to identify a research question and conduct a survey to find an answer to our question. This is our website to highlight our project and findings.......enjoy.

Alcohol Usage
In High School

   funky.gif (1580 bytes)

Our Research Question deals with the difference in perception of Alcohol Usage in High School between students and parents.

To answer this question we developed two surveys.  One survey for the students to attempt an accurate evaluation of the actual usage.  The second survey is for the parents, in order to evaluate their perception of the situation.

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